Finish every objective in Passenger mode
Unlocked: 19 Mar 2020 22:40:50
Complete the first objective in Passenger mode
Unlocked: 19 Mar 2020 22:21:18
Deliver your first passenger to their destination
Unlocked: 19 Mar 2020 22:21:08
Maple goodness
100Ride the train around the pancakes
Unlocked: 19 Mar 2020 22:14:23
Off the rails
100Ride a train off the edge of the world
Unlocked: 19 Mar 2020 22:12:13
Pull the steam whistle around the Christmas presents
Unlocked: 19 Mar 2020 22:09:42
Visit every environment
Unlocked: 19 Mar 2020 22:08:32
Place 20 decorations from the spawn menu
Unlocked: 19 Mar 2020 22:05:33
Finish the tutorial
Unlocked: 19 Mar 2020 22:04:01
100Save a file containing 100 pieces of track
Unlocked: 19 Mar 2020 21:58:33
Rocket man
100Get 10 seconds of air time on the Moon
100Recreate the moon landing shot and use the camera to take a photo
Take an alien passenger from a crashed UFO to a station
A reference
100Put an alien passenger in the basket of a flying bicycle
100Put 50 unique decorations on the moon