.T.E.S.T: Expected Behaviour
'n Verlore Verstand
0 day Attack on Earth
0 Degrees
007: Blood Stone
007: Legends
007: Quantum of Solace
0D Beat Drop
1 Square
1 Square (Windows 10)
1 vs 100
10 Second Ninja X
10 Seconds to Win!
1001 Spikes
101 Ways To Die
11-11 Memories Retold
112 Operator
112th Seed
11eyes: CrossOver
15in1 Solitaire
1942: Joint Strike
1971 Project Helios
1979 Revolution: Black Friday
2 Synchro Hedgehogs
2 Synchro Hedgehogs (for Windows 10)
2006 FIFA World Cup
2010 FIFA World Cup
2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil
2020: My Country
2064: Read Only Memories