LEGO® 2K Drive for Xbox Series X|S

The Golden Ending

Earn a Gold Medal in every On-the-Go event in the world

Achievement Unlocked By

Rank Gamertag Gamer Time Unlocked
1 TheGoddenator
23 May 2023 13:40:03
23 May 2023 13:40:03
26 May 2023 04:11:21
26 May 2023 04:11:21
3 Bahram B
28 May 2023 05:08:16
28 May 2023 05:08:16
4 UnawareBoss
17 Jun 2023 20:29:29
17 Jun 2023 20:29:29
5 TonySki
23 Jun 2023 22:37:45
23 Jun 2023 22:37:45
6 Segaswirl
02 Sep 2023 01:58:50
02 Sep 2023 01:58:50
7 Yui Shojei
02 Sep 2023 11:25:18
02 Sep 2023 11:25:18
8 Thegeek1994
06 Sep 2023 12:48:45
06 Sep 2023 12:48:45
9 Momie
14 Dec 2023 01:56:37
14 Dec 2023 01:56:37
10 xx Kenshira xx
04 Mar 2024 12:08:31
04 Mar 2024 12:08:31
11 msc 10
10 Mar 2024 09:39:41
10 Mar 2024 09:39:41
12 ebt89
10 Apr 2024 08:47:27
10 Apr 2024 08:47:27
13 AngryManGamer
14 Apr 2024 11:21:53
14 Apr 2024 11:21:53
14 System of a Dom
15 Apr 2024 14:22:13
15 Apr 2024 14:22:13
15 DephoZ
19 Apr 2024 11:57:24
19 Apr 2024 11:57:24
16 Gensui Akainu
22 Apr 2024 12:24:48
22 Apr 2024 12:24:48
17 MLP Thomaz PhD
23 Apr 2024 23:32:19
23 Apr 2024 23:32:19
18 Tropic92
26 Apr 2024 06:00:38
26 Apr 2024 06:00:38
19 BanjoRebel
16 May 2024 23:49:01
16 May 2024 23:49:01
20 MASS x Flamez
21 May 2024 06:53:21
21 May 2024 06:53:21
21 UDGuy
02 Jun 2024 22:15:05
02 Jun 2024 22:15:05
22 WildWhiteNoise
04 Jun 2024 12:34:24
04 Jun 2024 12:34:24
Visual Concepts
Xbox Series X|S
Tracking is available for this game.

Achievement Breakdown

Game Leaders

1. TheGoddenator 1,000
3. TonySki 1,000
4. UnawareBoss 1,000
5. Yui Shojei 1,000
6. Thegeek1994 1,000
7. Segaswirl 1,000
8. Momie 1,000
9. ebt89 1,000
10. AngryManGamer 1,000
11. DephoZ 1,000
12. Gensui Akainu 1,000
13. System of a Dom 1,000
14. Tropic92 1,000
15. MLP Thomaz PhD 1,000