Speedy Chef
15Cook your first meal. In such harsh conditions, simply staying fed is what matters most.
Unlocked: 12 Jul 2022 23:31:17
Acquire 30 kinds of non-DLC recipes. The quest for tasty meals spans every corner of Dahna.
Unlocked: 12 Jul 2022 23:30:13
Learn your first non-DLC title skill. Whatever you go by, that name shall become a source of power.
Unlocked: 12 Jul 2022 01:10:24
Learn 400 non-DLC title skills. Fame and renown bring a slew of aliases from friend and foe alike.
Unlocked: 12 Jul 2022 01:00:52
Clear your first sub-quest. Even the lowliest spark can grow into a raging, all-consuming flame.
Unlocked: 12 Jul 2022 01:00:47
Perform 100 Counter Edges. Make your enemies fear every missed blow with these retaliations.
Unlocked: 07 Jul 2022 02:59:00
Encounter 120 types of non-DLC enemies. Careful observation is sure to reveal their weaknesses.
Unlocked: 07 Jul 2022 02:57:58
Deal 10000 or more damage in one hit. It takes a warrior's all to deliver such a fantastic blow.
Unlocked: 07 Jul 2022 02:57:55
Reach level 100. Dahna's liberators now stand tall and mighty having come from rock bottom.
Unlocked: 07 Jul 2022 02:55:42
Defeat Lord Balseph. Keep the flag of liberation raised high. The fight has only just begun.
Defeat Lord Ganabelt, bringing light to Cyslodia and its people for the first time in centuries.
Recruit Lord Dohalim to your ranks. With friends like him, the Crown Contest's days are numbered.
Defeat Lord Almeidrea. A lone boy is all that stood between her and death by one of her victims.
Defeat Lord Vholran. With all the Renan lords deposed, Dahna is now free at last.
Stop the lights from the wedge. The Rena have stolen more than enough from Dahna as it is.
Learn the truth about Dahna and Rena on Daeq Faezol. Now to take the fight to the Great Spirit.
Save both worlds from impending destruction. A bright future awaits the people of the new world.
Forge strong bonds with all party members as a testament to all the many hours spent together.
Forge a strong bond with Shionne, sharing your first meal together again, and plenty more...
Forge a strong bond with Rinwell, helping her come to terms with her lineage and feelings.
Forge a strong bond with Law, giving him something to aspire to on and off the battlefield.
Forge a strong bond with Kisara, reminding her it's good to dream a little.
Forge a strong bond with Dohalim, becoming drinking buddies with a one-time lord.
Find and report all of the owls. Even with his cohorts back, Hootle's place remains with Rinwell.
Clear 70 sub-quests. No request from the people is too hard for this party to solve.
Catch your first fish. More than just a fun pastime for lazy days, it's a way to find food, too.
Godly Angler
35Catch every type of fish and show the Fishing Notes to the Fishing Expert.
Forge 100 types of weapons. Such dedicated forging teaches that every weapon has good points.
15Craft 30 accessories. The search for the perfect balance between form and function never ends.
Get over 100 hits in a combo. Band together and don't let your enemies strike back.
High Roller
15Spend 400000 gald. In this party, if something's for sale, it doesn't stay that way for long.
Defeat Efreet Malum. What was once a small spark grew to consume even the flaming giant.
Defeat Meneiys. If only there had been time to admire the Phantom Flower just a little longer...
Defeat Grand Gnome. So enormous was its body that it dwarfed even the ruins surrounding it.
Defeat Procella Sylph. Soaring the skies on its back will forever remain a cherished memory.
Defeat Luo Undine. Even its heft couldn't stop it from being washed away by the party's might.
Slay 20 gigants. No good adventurer can resist the temptation of fighting a great beast.
Clear the "Otherworldly Visitors" sub-quest and bring about a reunion between a certain pair.
Clear the "Reminiscence Device" sub-quest. No past foe is any trouble for today's party!
Clear Ultimate level of group training ground fights. With a party like that, who needs training?
15Obtain your first non-DLC artifact. Its strange, beguiling form never fails to shock and intrigue.
Obtain 20 types of non-DLC artifacts. Amassing such a big collection is nothing short of a calling.
Collect your first harvest on the ranch. Each life taken is raised well with love and respect.
Collect 50 harvests on the ranch. The meat produced sustains the party and its cause.
Owl Spotter
15Find and report 13 owls. The lonely forest is beginning to show signs of feathered life.
Owl Scouter
35Find and report 32 owls. The forest is now starting to teem with hordes of hooting owls galore.
View 300 skits. Despite all their time together, the party never runs out of things to discuss.
Seal Mausoleum of the Ruins: Helgal-Ryugola 238. A necessary act to bring peace to the new world.
Defend the city from the zeugle threat and subdue the chaos.
Commit to living in the new world. For the day when all binds are cut loose.
Seal Mausoleum of the Jungle: Helgal-Ryugola 67. A new destination awaits the party.
You'll see her again someday.
Arms Master
15Craft 6 weapon types using ryugola core fragments in the Tales of Arise™ additional story.
Clear 40 sub-quests in the Tales of Arise™ additional story.
Clear 12 character sub-quests in the Tales of Arise™ additional story.
Find portraits of every party member. Each drawing is brimming with sentiment.
Dive from the highest place in the keystone's Whirlpool Palace. Perhaps not its intended purpose.
Clear Ultimate level of group training ground fights in the Tales of Arise™ additional story.