Change your clothes
Unlocked: 07 Dec 2023 20:49:57
15Visit Keister Island
Unlocked: 28 Dec 2020 15:02:56
30Remain airborne for 10 seconds
Unlocked: 28 Dec 2020 14:59:16
Complete first delivery
Unlocked: 28 Dec 2020 14:49:05
Complete 10 different deliveries
Complete 50 different deliveries
Complete 100 different deliveries
15Find the tiny island
Visit Gasa Research Facility
Visit Happy Clam Resort
A New Car!
15Unlock the mule
Unlock the buggy
Unlock the pickup truck
Unlock the helicopter
Unlock the rocket booster
Crop Duster
15Pass gas in a biplane
Put treasure chest on sloop
Bring the luchador mask to wrestling ring
Bring the conch shell to top of mountain
Return the satellite to GASA
Bring banana to room 5 at Banana Motel
Bring grill to Dad Statue in Golden Ruins.
Bring foam hand to Booster Club Arena
Lose pants in tornado at Happy Clam Resort
Complete all other achievements
Find the big secret bear.
Have 5 power-ups equipped at the same time.