Complete the First Location
Complete the First Act
Complete the Second Act
Complete the Third Act
Complete the Final Marked Destination on the Map
Complete All Marked Destinations on the Map
Explore an Unmarked Travel Location
Explore 25 Unmarked Travel Locations
Kill Walkers Using Every Melee Weapon
Kill Walkers Using Every Ranged Weapon
Kill 100 Walkers while Grappling
Dismember 250 Limbs
Prevent 50 Walkers from Grabbing You
Recruit 1 Optional Survivor
Choose to Travel at Least Once with Every Optional Survivor
Find Every Useable Vehicle
Collect Every Stuffed Squirrel
Dismiss a Survivor
5 Survivors Were Killed While Scavenging
Complete 25 Optional Objectives
Complete a Marked Destination on the Map without Taking Any Damage
Complete a Marked Destination on the Map without Killing a Walker
Complete a Marked Destination on the Map without Being Grabbed by a Walker
Enter Sherwood Without Any Survivors
Killed 5 Walkers in the Cabot Ridge Creek Bed
Complete a Marked Map Destination Using Only Firearms
True Dixon
25Complete a Marked Destination on the Map Using Only the Crossbow
Sneak Attack
35Perform Execution Kills on 50 Walkers
Dismember All Limbs of 5 Walkers
Kill Multiple Walkers with One Bullet
Kill a Walker That Is Falling Due to Dismemberment
Pull a Bolt From a Walker Then Kill Them With It
Ooh, Shiny!
15Distract 50 Walkers with Items
Restore Survivors 25 Times
Sprint Until You're Exhausted 10 Times in One Level
Consume 50 MREs
Consume 250 Fuel
Survive 5 Breakdowns
Fire 300 Bullets
Complete the Game with Only 1 Firearm and 1 Bullet Left in Your Inventory
15Shoot a Walker with 10 Bolts without Killing It
Perished 13 Times
Arrive at Final Destination with Only Male Survivors
Arrive at Final Destination with Only Female Survivors
Find Every Poster
Shoot a Walker in the Knee with a Bolt
10 Walkers Killed with Saw Blades in the Logging Camp
Kill 5 Walkers with One Explosion
Kill 4 Walkers in a Single Grapple Sequence
Prevent a Walker from Damaging You by Severing Its Attacking Limb