Complete File R-00: Guard Duty.
Complete File R-01: Coup d'État.
Complete File R-02: Research Facility.
Complete File R-03: Mile High.
Complete File R-04: Hostile Takeover.
Complete File R-05: Escape From Denver.
Complete File R-06: Badlands Showdown.
Complete File R-07: Assassination Attempt.
50Complete story mode on Revengeance difficulty with all S rankings.
Steel Tail
15Cut off Metal Gear RAY's metal tail during File R-00.
Destroy all the Gun Cameras in File R-01.
Dwarf Raiden
15Incapacitate all the soldiers in File R-02 using a Dwarf Gekko.
Complete the abandoned railroad sequence in File R-03 without using AR Mode.
Cut off the finial at the top of the pagoda in File R-04.
Great Escape
20Complete File R-05 in less than 7 minutes.
Arrive at the objective in File R-07 without being spotted.
Defeat Mistral without taking any damage on Hard difficulty or above.
Defeat Monsoon without taking any damage on Hard difficulty or above.
Defeat Sundowner without taking any damage on Hard difficulty or above.
Defeat Samuel without taking any damage on Hard difficulty or above.
Defeat Sen. Armstrong without taking any damage on Hard difficulty or above.
Destroy a total of 100 Cyborgs during story mode.
Destroy a total of 100 Custom Cyborgs during story mode.
Destroy a total of 100 Heavily Armed Cyborgs during story mode.
Destroy a total of 10 Gekkos during story mode.
15Destroy a total of 10 Mastiffs during story mode.
Destroy a total of 10 Raptors during story mode.
Pond Scum
20Destroy a total of 5 Vodomjerka during story mode.
Wolf Hunter
20Destroy a total of 10 Fenrirs during story mode.
Destroy a total of 10 Sliders during story mode.
Destroy a total of 10 Hammerheads during story mode.
Destroy a total of 30 Dwarf Gekkos during story mode.
Destroy all of the humanoid Dwarf Gekkos during story mode.
Datsu Right
15Successfully complete 50 Zandatsus during story mode.
In story mode, successfully parry 10 attacks in a row in one minute or less.
Successfully complete 30 Ninja Kills during story mode.
Successfully complete 50 Executions during story mode.
Successfully complete 10 No Kill battles during story mode.
Dismember three enemies during Blade Mode with a single attack.
In story mode, kill 100 enemies by cutting them.
While remotely operating a Dwarf Gekko in story mode, find and communicate with all Dwarf Gekkos.
Acquire all customization items.
Acquire all enemy officers' left arms.
Listen to most of the codec conversations.
20Discover all of the soldiers hidden in cardboard boxes.
Data Mining
20Acquire all data storage devices.
Rescue all the civilians.
Unlock every VR Mission.
VR Master
30Complete every VR Mission.
Set the highest score on every VR Mission.
DL-VR Master
20Complete every DL-VR Mission.
Set the highest score on every DL-VR Mission.
Complete DL-Story-01: Jetstream.
You're Hired
20Defeat Sen. Armstrong without taking any damage on Hard difficulty or above.
Complete DL-Story-01: Jetstream on Revengeance difficulty in one hour or less.
Defeat 100 enemies in DL-Story-01: Jetstream's Story Mode using Quick Draw.
Complete DL-Story-02: Blade Wolf.
Wolf's Pride
20Defeat Khamsin without taking any damage on Hard difficulty or above.
Complete DL-Story-02: Blade Wolf on Revengeance difficulty in one hour or less.
Defeat 30 enemies in DL-Story-02: Blade Wolf via Hunt Kills.