10Find Head.
Unlocked: 16 Feb 2024 12:37:31
Use an air cylinder without holding Head.
Unlocked: 16 Feb 2024 12:29:47
Leave Head behind while you go for a swim in the large lake.
Opened every shortcut.
Return to the start of the game.
Reach the lowest point in the world.
All Knowing
25Get all library entries.
All Eyes
50Collect every eye in the game.
All Ears
50Collect every ear in the game.
What is the purpose of this odd object?
With all pieces found, it is up to you to piece them together.
Activate your first machine.
Light as Air
15Light up the darkness.
Air Boost
15Use air to jump higher than ever before.
Dive underwater whith an inflated Head.
Take direct control of a machine.
15Break your first window.
Final Form
75Fully upgrade Head.
You filled the larva with air, making friends with an Airhunter.
10You made your way into the facility.
You used the tram to get across the abyss.
New Head
10You got your hands on a new head.
Water Damage
20You defeated the Collector and the Constructor.
So Close
20You got thrown off the roof.
A New Friend
10You freed the Airhunter, making one more friend.
75Head is safe, but at what cost?
100You restarted P.A.I.C., giving the world a second chance.
You open the gate and left P.A.I.C. and Head behind.
Like the Wind
100Save Head within 2 hours.