FaTa1 RoB

FaTa1 RoB

598,841 G

FaTa1 RoB

FaTa1 RoB

United Kingdom
  • Games Played: 454
  • Achievements: 16,378

Registered: 01 Dec 2020 12:39:47

Last Scan: 11 Feb 2025 12:32:12


Call of Duty®: Modern Warfare® II

Find and use all Armaments in Open Combat Missions

Call of Duty®: Modern Warfare® II

Destroy an airborne enemy helicopter with a Mortar Strike

Sea of Thieves

Complete the 'Playing the Part' Commendation.

Sea of Thieves

Complete the 'Loyalist of the Flame' Commendation.

Sea of Thieves

Complete the 'Defender of the Pirate's Life' Commendation.

Sea of Thieves

Complete the 'Sizzling Sinker' Commendation.

Sea of Thieves

Defeat an enemy Bone Caller Skeleton with your own Bone Caller Skeleton.

Sea of Thieves

Complete all 'Helm' Guild Commendations.

Sea of Thieves

Undergo the Ritual of the Flame.

Sea of Thieves

Complete all 'Navigator' Guild Commendations.

Sea of Thieves

Complete all 'Cannoneer' Guild Commendations.

Sea of Thieves

Complete the 'Astral Protection' Commendation.

Sea of Thieves

Complete the 'Hot Shot' Commendation.

Sea of Thieves

Complete all 'Chef' Guild Commendations.

Sea of Thieves

Complete the 'The Power of Three' Commendation.

Sea of Thieves

Complete the 'Enticing Explosion' Commendation.

Safari Pinball

Get an extra ball to unlock

Safari Pinball

Activate multiball to unlock

Sea of Thieves

Awarded the Commendation 'Savior of the Siren Song Grade 1'

Sea of Thieves

Defeat a Skeleton Lord with a ranged throwing knife attack.

Sea of Thieves

Defeat an Ashen Lord with the Double Barrel Pistol.

Sea of Thieves

Receive the Blessing of Athena's Fortune.

Sea of Thieves

Earn a Distinction for any Trading Company.

Sea of Thieves

Sink 100 Faction ships in the Battle for the Sea of Thieves.

Sea of Thieves

Earn an Allegiance Streak of 4 for either Faction.

Sea of Thieves

Win your first fight in the Battle for the Sea of Thieves.

Sea of Thieves

Complete the 'Hung Out to Dry' Commendation.

Sea of Thieves

Complete the 'Pressgang Grappler' Commendation.

Sea of Thieves

Use a Skull of Destiny to begin 3 Fort of the Damned events.

Sea of Thieves

Unlock a Legendary Ship Title by progressing your Ship Milestones.

Sea of Thieves

Purchase a Cherished Trinket.

88 Heroes

Complete 88 Mode with 8 heroes remaining

Detailed Stats


Completed Games: 376 / 454 (82%)
Gamerscore: 598,841 / 661,295 (90%)
Achievements: 16,378 / 18,914 (86%)

FaTa1 RoB needs to unlock 78 more achievements to reach 87%.

Achievement Rarity

Common: 6,361
Uncommon: 2,323
Rare: 3,858
Ultra Rare: 2,884
Legendary: 976