Help Granny Malone knit a scarf.
Unlocked: 06 Apr 2023 17:38:07
Beat Krabawaki and The King Clapper.
Unlocked: 06 Apr 2023 16:28:44
Beat Fatso.
Unlocked: 06 Apr 2023 16:03:41
Beat LaChusa.
Beat Murat Reis.
Beat The Lighthouse Keeper.
Beat Fatsie and Fatso.
Beat Rama Cinnamon and Banana.
Beat Freddy Eightfingers.
Beat Short Fuse Jones.
Beat Sharpie The Sharp.
Beat The Necromancer.
Gain Morrigan's favor.
Beat Flora Burn.
Beat all bosses.
You haven't even tried...
You are halfway there.
You almost made it!
No more fur
105You've made it!
Discover 100% of the map.
Opens all doors.
The collector
105Get all the collectibles.
Master of skills
105Unlock full skilltree of all characters.
Achieve level 15.
The fighter
105Defeat one of each enemy.
Resurrect Smiley Sam
Use both spyglasses.
Recover all Amelio's hidden treasures.
Find the Leprechaun's gold.
Help Mariah to get a sea sponge.
Help Mallor Majory get his wife's portrait.
Help Landsman Rogers improve his soup.
Help Poker Sailor to defeat the crab.
Help Rick fulfill his dream.
Make the bagpipe ghost friends again.