DarkLord Zephyr

DarkLord Zephyr

1,202,740 G

DarkLord Zephyr

DarkLord Zephyr

United States
  • Games Played: 1,441
  • Achievements: 38,106

Registered: 01 Nov 2013 15:58:23

Last Scan: 11 Jan 2025 03:30:38


Lawn Mowing Simulator

Finish a 10 career contract within the recommended completion time.

Lawn Mowing Simulator

Part exchange a vehicle for a cheaper one.

Lightyear Frontier (Game Preview)

Trip and land on your feet 5 times.

Tembo The Badass Elephant

Collect 99 Peanut Butter Jars.

Lost in Random™

Find and defeat the Shadowman once and for all.

Lost in Random™

Collect all of the lost storybook pages.

Lost in Random™

Solve all of the puzzles.

Lost in Random™

Buy all the cards Mannie Dex has to offer.

Lost in Random™

Defeat 3 of the Queen's minions using the same Dice Slice.

Lost in Random™

Play 8 cards in the same round.

Lost in Random™

Try to open the gate to Threedom prematurely.

Indiana Jones and the Great Circle

Collect all Journal notes in the game.

Indiana Jones and the Great Circle

Collect all the Ancient Relics.

Indiana Jones and the Great Circle

Return all Lost Artifacts.

Indiana Jones and the Great Circle

Learn all abilities from Adventure books.

Indiana Jones and the Great Circle

Solve all mysteries in Sukhothai.

Indiana Jones and the Great Circle

Bring all radio frequencies to Gina.

Indiana Jones and the Great Circle

Defeat all boxing champions.

Indiana Jones and the Great Circle

Solve the Cogwheel puzzle in Sukhothai.

LEGO® 2K Drive for Xbox Series X|S

Find all the batpacks in Hauntsborough in Story mode

LEGO® 2K Drive for Xbox Series X|S

Find all the Collectables in Hauntsborough

LEGO® 2K Drive for Xbox Series X|S

Avoid 50 missiles by jumping over them in races

LEGO® 2K Drive for Xbox Series X|S

Beat the Sky Cup Grand Prix race in Story mode

LEGO® 2K Drive for Xbox Series X|S

Beat the Hauntsborough Grand Brick Arena race in Story mode

LEGO® 2K Drive for Xbox Series X|S

Collect 50 new vehicles

LEGO® 2K Drive for Xbox Series X|S

Complete all quests in the world in Story mode

LEGO® 2K Drive for Xbox Series X|S

Find all the Collectables in Prospecto Valley

LEGO® 2K Drive for Xbox Series X|S

Find all the rotorpacks in Prospecto Valley in Story mode

LEGO® 2K Drive for Xbox Series X|S

Get to Level 30 in Story mode

LEGO® 2K Drive for Xbox Series X|S

Mow down all weed patches in the world in Story mode

LEGO® 2K Drive for Xbox Series X|S

Discover all the Garages in the world in Story mode

LEGO® 2K Drive for Xbox Series X|S

Destroy 15000 objects

LEGO® 2K Drive for Xbox Series X|S

Play 10 races or mini-games in Play With Everyone

LEGO® 2K Drive for Xbox Series X|S

Spin 1080 degrees in the air without using a jetpack

LEGO® 2K Drive for Xbox Series X|S

Collect 15 new drivers

Detailed Stats


Completed Games: 996 / 1,441 (69%)
Gamerscore: 1,202,740 / 1,520,137 (79%)
Achievements: 38,106 / 50,225 (75%)

DarkLord Zephyr needs to unlock 65 more achievements to reach 76%.

Achievement Rarity

Common: 18,139
Uncommon: 6,999
Rare: 9,435
Ultra Rare: 3,195
Legendary: 346


Manic Ado 2,167,295G
n1ckKz 435,804G