AC Rock3tman

AC Rock3tman

2,814,200 G

AC Rock3tman

AC Rock3tman

  • Games Played: 2,824
  • Achievements: 56,084

Registered: 18 Nov 2024 20:02:17

Last Scan: 06 Feb 2025 19:35:55


Entropy Survivors

Completed the final world on difficulty level 1.

Games Advent Calendar 2024

Beat Krampus' highscore in Frost Runner

A Little to the Left

Complete 3 Daily Tidy's

Import Tuner Challenge

Achivement unlocked by wining 100 Xbox Live Races.

Import Tuner Challenge

Achivement unlocked by wining 50 Xbox Live Races.

Choice of Life: Middle Ages 2

Complete the game for all endings

Choice of Life: Middle Ages 2

Find the best queen

Choice of Life: Middle Ages 2

Get all the titles

Choice of Life: Middle Ages 2

Conquer the South

Choice of Life: Middle Ages 2

Find all the allies

Choice of Life: Middle Ages 2

Feel the taste of the marriage

Choice of Life: Middle Ages 2

Lose the campaign

Choice of Life: Middle Ages 2

Complete chapter 2 and win the battle

Choice of Life: Middle Ages 2

Get all the skills in one playthrough (except scar)

Choice of Life: Middle Ages 2

Get the Sword of the Three Kingdoms, Explosive Spores, and Fencing skill

Choice of Life: Middle Ages 2

Disenchant the Serpentine

Choice of Life: Middle Ages 2

Miss all the opportunities to return to your castle

Choice of Life: Middle Ages 2

Abdicate the throne

Choice of Life: Middle Ages 2

Feel the power of family ties

Choice of Life: Middle Ages 2

Become a king who really didn't change a thing

Choice of Life: Middle Ages 2

Get half of the titles

Choice of Life: Middle Ages 2

Make everyone hate you

Choice of Life: Middle Ages 2

Complete Chapter 3 with any of the endings

Choice of Life: Middle Ages 2

Complete chapter 2 and lose the battle

WarTech: Senko no Ronde

Played over 30 hours

Insurgency: Sandstorm

Purchase your first item in the Appearance menu.

Virtual Families Cook Off: Chapter 1 Let's Go Flippin'

Fully upgrade the sixth food theme

Insurgency: Sandstorm

Kill an enemy right after performing a speed reload.

Insurgency: Sandstorm

Block an objective from being captured and then clear it.

Insurgency: Sandstorm

Kill an enemy with the last bullet of your magazine.

Detailed Stats


Completed Games: 1,942 / 2,824 (68%)
Gamerscore: 2,814,200 / 3,451,410 (81%)
Achievements: 56,084 / 80,372 (69%)

AC Rock3tman needs to unlock 177 more achievements to reach 70%.

Achievement Rarity

Common: 38,706
Uncommon: 5,814
Rare: 7,108
Ultra Rare: 3,543
Legendary: 1,099