Triple Dash
15Use three dashes within a second
Have someone rank last place in the podium
40Run over 42km ingame
First Snack
15Unlock your first character
15Unlock 5 characters
Unlock all characters
50Add all the needed flowers at once
Steal over 4 flowers at once from another Foodmess
Blow the horns 50 times in total
Close Call
40Get rid of the belt at the very last second
40Pass the belt to other players 10 times within a single match
Score 20 goals in total
Wish Ritual
30Paint both of Daruma's eyes
30Activate the car alarms 10 times
Survive 40 seconds of Itadakimess
30Stay 15 seconds without anyone touching the oasis
30Win the match before a special oasis appears
Have a dragon with 20 segments
Baby Dragon
30Defeat another Foodmess without eating any yakisobas
Survive for 20 seconds and see the gong
Defeat 2 players with one potato attack
Counter attack the ball 5 times before it goes neutral
30Survive a tornado
No Safety
40Destroy all fences in a single match without having help from the wind
Destroy 50 fences in total
Donut Backup
30Find the hidden cop by trapping all the donuts
Bounce the donut 3 times before it gets another Foodmess
Hit a donut with another donut
30Get a giant sized ice cream in under 15 seconds
Merge 100 ice cream scoops in total
40Score 2 goals with one kick