The Crew
10Complete a Mission while in a Crew (2-4 Players)
Complete 50 Crew vs. Crew PvP Events. (2-4 players)
Increase your Daily Salary to 10,000 Bucks.
Earn over 100,000 Reputation Points.
Ghost Bustin
10Beat any Platinum Skill Ghost.
Burned Nitro at exactly 88mph (141 km/h).
Complete the Faction Mission Landmark Tour in a Crew (2-4 players).
Complete the Faction Mission Coast to Coast in a Crew (2-4 players)
Earn 3,000 Bucks from a Multiplayer Stunt Combo.
Achieve a combined speed of 870 mph (1400 km/h) in a Crew (2-4 Players).
As a team (3-4 players), finish 1st, 2nd and 3rd in a PvP Faction vs Faction Event.
Spend a total of 24 hours in a Crew (2-4 Players).
Drive the length of Highway One while in a Crew (2-4 Players).
Escape the Police at least once in each region.
Top Dog
10Finish first in a free-for-all PvP Event.
10Tune a car to level 510.
Tune a car to level 1299.
Star Service
15Upgrade every Performance part on a vehicle to Platinum.
100Drive a total of 5,000 Miles (8047 km) in a single car.
Have 500,000 Bucks in your wallet.
Made To Spec
10Own a car with all its 5 Specs unlocked.
15Customize every Visual part of a car.
Testdrive the most expensive car.
Salt Rocket
15Achieve a speed over 236 mph (380 km/h) on the Bonneville Salt Flats.
Escape a Police pursuit 100 times in FreeDrive.
Earn a Platinum Medal in each Skill type in all 5 Zones.
Daily Dose
10Complete a Daily Challenge.
Complete a Weekly Challenge.
Complete a Monthly Challenge.
Earn over 10,000 Award Points.
Street Smart
10Earn a Story Mission Platinum medal in a Street Spec Car.
You've helped Herschel and got your first ink. You're a 5-10.
You've saved Eric's skin and earned your V2. You're moving up the ranks.
You took down Cam and got Shiv's attention. You're a V4.
With Coburn in jail and the Mountain States under control, the V6 is yours.
Show Off
15Perform a minute-long Stunt Combo.
Dirty Birdy
10Earn a Story Mission Platinum medal in a Dirt Spec Car.
Shiv’s beaten and you control the 5-10s. You're the V8 - never drive alone.
Data Tracker
25Tap into 30 Data Stations in the United States.
Build a Hidden Car from Wreck Parts.
Visit 242 Landmarks in the United States.
10Earn a Story Mission Platinum medal in a Perf Spec Car.
Earn a Story Mission Platinum medal in a Raid Spec Car.
Earn a Gold medal on 500 Skills.
The Extra Mile
100Earn Platinum medals from all Story Missions.
The Boss
50Progress to Level 50.
Indy Car Racer
100Drive a total of 200 laps around the Little Eagle Speedrome.
Earn a Story Mission Platinum medal in a Circuit Spec Car.
Road Trip
15Drive to all 5 regions in a Crew during one session (2-4 players).
Encountered 2,000 players on your travels.