Tales of Graces™f Remastered

True Grace
Ultra Rare

True Grace

100 Secret

You've accomplished everything! Thanks for playing!

Title Fighter (20 Titles)

Acquired 20 different titles for Asbel. Still a ways to go. Note: Excludes bonus costume titles.

Title Holder (50 Titles)

Acquired 50 different titles for Asbel. Let's keep going! Note: Excludes bonus costume titles.

Title Master (100 Titles)
Ultra Rare

Acquired 100 different titles for Asbel. Just a little more! Note: Excludes bonus costume titles.

First Flower (20 Titles)

Acquired 20 different titles for Sophie. Still a ways to go. Note: Excludes bonus costume titles.

Full Flower (50 Titles)

Acquired 50 different titles for Sophie. Let's keep going! Note: Excludes bonus costume titles.

Flower Power (100 Titles)
Ultra Rare

Acquired 100 different titles for Sophie. Just a little more! Note: Excludes bonus costume titles.

Entitled (20 titles)

Acquired 20 different titles for Hubert. Still a ways to go. Note: Excludes bonus costume titles.

Emboldened (50 titles)

Acquired 50 different titles for Hubert. Let's keep going! Note: Excludes bonus costume titles.

Empowered (100 titles)
Ultra Rare

Acquired 100 different titles for Hubert. Just a little more! Note: Excludes bonus costume titles.

Openhearted (20 titles)

Acquired 20 different titles for Cheria. Still a ways to go. Note: Excludes bonus costume titles.

Wholehearted (50 titles)

Acquired 50 different titles for Cheria. Let's keep going! Note: Excludes bonus costume titles.

Lionhearted (100 titles)
Ultra Rare

Acquired 100 different titles for Cheria. Just a little more! Note: Excludes bonus costume titles.

Training Captain (20 titles)

Acquired 20 different titles for Malik. Still a ways to go. Note: Excludes bonus costume titles.

Captain First Class (50 titles)

Acquired 50 different titles for Malik. Let's keep going! Note: Excludes bonus costume titles.

Captain Ephinea (100 titles)
Ultra Rare

Acquired 100 different titles for Malik. Just a little more! Note: Excludes bonus costume titles.

Sobriquetian (20 titles)

Acquired 20 different titles for Pascal. Still a ways to go. Note: Excludes bonus costume titles.

Appellatrix (50 titles)

Acquired 50 different titles for Pascal. Let's keep going! Note: Excludes bonus costume titles.

Epithetologist (100 titles)
Ultra Rare

Acquired 100 different titles for Pascal. Just a little more! Note: Excludes bonus costume titles.

Richard the Radiant (20 Titles)

Acquired 20 different titles for Richard. Still a ways to go. Note: Excludes bonus costume titles.

Richard the Righteous (50 Titles)
Ultra Rare

Acquired 50 different titles for Richard. Let's keep going! Note: Excludes bonus costume titles.

Richard the Redeemed (80 Titles)
Ultra Rare

Acquired 80 different titles for Richard. Just a little more! Note: Excludes bonus costume titles.

Childhood's End
The Fallen Eden
Lineage & Legacies
Ultra Rare

Lineage & Legacies

35 Secret

Completed Chapter 9. Next up: the Zhonecage! The what? Look to the skits for a hint!

Ultra Rare


35 Secret
Who Were Those Guys, Again?
Ultra Rare

Defeated Veigue, Reala, and Amber.

Ultra Rare


35 Secret

Defeated Solomus and the Terma Ten.

One with Oblivion
Ultra Rare

One with Oblivion

35 Secret

Defeated Lambda Theos. Impressive!

A Gentlemanly Triumph
Ultra Rare

Defeated a true Gentleman. Good show!

Game Clear: Moderate
Ultra Rare

Completed the game on the Moderate difficulty setting.

Game Clear: Hard
Ultra Rare

Completed the game on the Hard difficulty setting.

Game Clear: Evil
Ultra Rare

Completed the game on the Evil difficulty setting.

Game Clear: Chaos
Ultra Rare

Completed the game on the Chaos difficulty setting.

Bryce in 60 Seconds

Defeated that jerk with the claw in a minute or less.

Queen Slime in 60 Seconds

Defeated the ruler of all oozes in a minute or less.

Richard in 60 Seconds

Defeated the friend who betrayed you in a minute or less.

Dis Paters in 60 Seconds

Defeated the monsters Richard sicced on you in a minute or less.

Kurt in 60 Seconds

Kurt in 60 Seconds

10 Secret

Ended your fateful battle with Kurt in a minute or less.

Polycarpus in 60 Seconds

Defeated the guardian of the ruins in a minute or less.

Lambda in 60 Seconds

Defeated the materialized Lambda in a minute or less.

Lambda Angelus in 60 Seconds
Ultra Rare

Defeated Lambda in the final battle in a minute or less.

Fodra Queen in 60 Seconds
Ultra Rare

Defeated the Fodra Queen in a minute or less.

Mixer Maxed
Ultra Rare

Maxed out your Eleth Mixer by boosting its eleth capacity to 9999.

Tose Co, Ltd
BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Inc.
Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S
Tracking is available for this game.

Achievement Breakdown

Game Leaders

1. Jaigoro 1,000
2. Goggs25 655
3. Mountain Wyvern 410
4. P Dot Kr00k 340
5. DarkestFawn 270
6. MysticDragon19 110
7. AboveHunter 110
8. EddieM1974 100
9. DaMikeSC 40
11. ProjectJeff85 20
12. Txort 20
13. Play FitXR 10
14. VirtuousThiefIX 10