Bring back 1 surveillance log found on surveys of Old Amasia.
Bring back 50 surveillance logs found on surveys of Old Amasia.
Collect an artifact and fill in a missing piece of Amasia's timeline.
Collect multiple artifacts and fill in 10 missing pieces of Amasia's timeline.
Use a Magus Skill 100 times.
Use a Magus Skill 1000 times.
Craft 1 type of item.
Craft 10 different items.
Craft 20 different items.
Complete 1 renovation on the garage.
Complete 10 renovations on the garage.
Complete 20 renovations on the garage.
Complete 4 requests from your affiliated organization.
Complete 25 requests from your affiliated organization.
Complete 50 requests from your affiliated organization.
10Deal a total of 500000 damage.
Deal a total of 5000000 damage.
Load It Up!
35Return from the surface with a cargo weight of 6000 or higher.
Earn a total of 500000 in cash from AO Crystal conversion.
Earn a total of 7777777 in cash from AO Crystal conversion.
Defeat 500 Enders.
Defeat 2500 Enders.
Defeat 8000 Enders.
Welcome Home
10Return from the surface.
Return from the surface 100 times.
Return from the surface 300 times.
Take out insurance before going on a sortie.
Show off your new title.
Change your Magus's clothes.
Clean your Magus.
Unlock all achievements.