Took part in the L.O.G. badge collecting challenge at the start of the game in Spiral Mountain
Open Nuts
10Place the Nutty Acres Game Globe on its plinth in Showdown Town
Place the LOGBOX 720 Game Globe on its plinth in Showdown Town
Place the Banjoland Game Globe on its plinth in Showdown Town
Place the Jiggosseum Game Globe on its plinth in Showdown Town
Place the Terrarium of Terror Game Globe on its plinth in Showdown Town
Bank your first Jiggy in Showdown Town
Bank 10 Jiggies in Showdown Town
Big Banker
30Bank 30 Jiggies in Showdown Town
Bank 60 Jiggies in Showdown Town
Bank 131 Jiggies in Showdown Town
Pimped Up
20Complete the Showdown Town Trolley with Parts won from Grunty battles
Witch Hunt
50Defeat Grunty at the end of the game
Earn a TT Trophy from any challenge
Earn 10 TT Trophies from any challenges
Earn 30 TT Trophies from any challenges
Earn 60 TT Trophies from any challenges
Be Crateful
15Find and return two crates to Mumbo’s Motors
Buy a blueprint from Humba in Showdown Town
Roid Rage
15Train Banjo once in the Showdown Town gym
Free and re-house a Jinjo in Showdown Town
15Lock up a Minjo in Showdown Town
20Complete a line on the Bingo card at King Jingaling’s Palace
Return a Stop ‘n’ Swop crate to Mumbo’s Motors
BBQ Beef
20Take a heavy ball around the Jiggosseum and get a burning sensation
More like a three-hit combo in the Terrarium of Terror
Fuzz Off!
20Pop goes the weasel!
Build a vehicle with 200 blocks or more and go over a set speed
25Build a vehicle with five blocks or less and go over a set speed
Whoa Nelly!
25Travel in a vehicle over a set speed
Loose Change
20Collect all the Showdown Town loose change
Arcade Pwner
20Finish all levels of Klungo’s Arcade game
Play in and complete a multiplayer game league
Play in and complete a marathon multiplayer game league
Play an Xbox LIVE multiplayer game against a Banjo team member, or somebody who has already done so
Bit of Blue
10Share a blueprint with another player or Friend over Xbox LIVE, or save 20 blueprints
10Take a photo and upload it to Xbox LIVE, or take five photos
Send a video replay to a Friend over Xbox LIVE, or save five replays
Paint any part of your vehicle in Mumbo's Motors
Be on the winning team in a ranked team game
Win a ranked solo game with a custom vehicle
Too Easy!
10Win a ranked solo race by reversing over the finish line
Win a ranked solo race by running or swimming over the finish line
Win 20 Xbox LIVE ranked multiplayer games in any mode
Knock down all of the supporting cast in Ben Hurdle
Burn an opponent's vehicle until it falls apart at the seams
Halfway Home
15Complete all of L.O.G.'s Lost Challenges once
Show Sssuper Klungo the real meaning of sssuper
Complete all of L.O.G.'s lost challenges to TT standard
Complete all Lost Challenges in L.O.G.'s Choice and Player's Choice vehicles
Find the door to L.O.G.'s Lost Challenges
Klungo not ssstupid, ussse old fake wall trick to hide Klungo goodnesss
Win one of the new DLC multiplayer games in a ranked match
Win all of the new DLC multiplayer games