Night at the Museum

No Quarter

Acquire the Pressed Penny Collectible in National Museum of Natural History

Achievement Guides

Posted: 18 Nov 2021 15:47:33

0 gamers found this guide helpful

Quarter #1 - From where you start walk to the left

Quarter #2 - Jump onto the pteryodactly, it's right on top

Quarter #3 - On the lower level rotunda, right across from the Egyptian display

Quarter #4 - On the upper level rotunda, atop the glass case closest to the rhino. You will need the Animal Power to tame the rhino before you can grapple up to get it

Penny - Inside the gate on the far right side of the room in the icy area, you need Animal Power to make the rhino knock the gate down

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Xbox 360
Tracking is available for this game.

Achievement Breakdown

Game Leaders

1. TheLucario1251 1,000
2. FrostBear 95 1,000
3. Sevenfolde 1,000
4. Plaguewielder87 1,000
5. PhonySpoon 1,000
6. PeAchyLe4 1,000
7. Eagle 0ne 1,000
8. Blasphemer 1,000
9. XRutiguerX 1,000
10. DaVor 73 1,000
11. benjoni 1,000
12. MARCELFiNKde 1,000
13. polito2007 1,000
14. ping182 1,000
15. aaronjames38 1,000