Night at the Museum

Castle Me

Acquire the Pressed Penny Collectible in Smithsonian Castle

Achievement Guides

Posted: 18 Nov 2021 15:58:11

0 gamers found this guide helpful

Quarter #1 - From where you start take a left and follow the tiny hallway

Penny - From where you start, enter next room and walk directly to right. It's in a corner

Quarter #2 - From where you start, enter next room and walk directly right into the next room with the giant stone head. It's on the far right side

Quarter #3 - From where you start, enter next room and walk directly to the left into the next room with Egpytian sarcophagus. Walk left into the next room, it's right inside

Quarter #4 - Inside security room to the left

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Xbox 360
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Achievement Breakdown

Game Leaders

1. TheLucario1251 1,000
2. FrostBear 95 1,000
3. Sevenfolde 1,000
4. Plaguewielder87 1,000
5. PhonySpoon 1,000
6. PeAchyLe4 1,000
7. Eagle 0ne 1,000
8. Blasphemer 1,000
9. XRutiguerX 1,000
10. DaVor 73 1,000
11. benjoni 1,000
12. MARCELFiNKde 1,000
13. polito2007 1,000
14. ping182 1,000
15. aaronjames38 1,000