Achievement Guides
#1 - From where you start, walk right and climb up the crate
#2 - In front of the airplane
#3 - At the bottom of the crates you'll see it by the stairs
#4 - Across from #3 on top of crates
#5 - As you walk across the crates, climb up to it
#6 - Up the first flight of stairs go straight ahead and climb up the crates
#7 & #8 - These are in your path as you're flying Amelia's plane
#9 - After #8 drop down to see this one
#10 - #14 - These are in your path as you're flying Amelia's plane
#15 - Behind crates next to Blackbeard
#16 - On top of cab of truck to right of Leonardo. Climb onto hood and climb up
#17 - On hood of last truck. Use {LT} to grab it
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