Night at the Museum

Rotor Router

Achievement Guides

Posted: 18 Nov 2021 15:53:14

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#1 - From where you start, walk right and climb up the crate
#2 - In front of the airplane
#3 - At the bottom of the crates you'll see it by the stairs
#4 - Across from #3 on top of crates
#5 - As you walk across the crates, climb up to it
#6 - Up the first flight of stairs go straight ahead and climb up the crates
#7 & #8 - These are in your path as you're flying Amelia's plane
#9 - After #8 drop down to see this one
#10 - #14 - These are in your path as you're flying Amelia's plane
#15 - Behind crates next to Blackbeard
#16 - On top of cab of truck to right of Leonardo. Climb onto hood and climb up
#17 - On hood of last truck. Use {LT} to grab it

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Xbox 360
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Achievement Breakdown

Game Leaders

1. TheLucario1251 1,000
2. FrostBear 95 1,000
3. Sevenfolde 1,000
4. Plaguewielder87 1,000
5. PhonySpoon 1,000
6. PeAchyLe4 1,000
7. Eagle 0ne 1,000
8. Blasphemer 1,000
9. XRutiguerX 1,000
10. DaVor 73 1,000
11. benjoni 1,000
12. MARCELFiNKde 1,000
13. polito2007 1,000
14. ping182 1,000
15. aaronjames38 1,000